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Image: Shutterstock

26 June 2013
Reporter Jenna Jones

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FERMA elects four to board

The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) elected four members to serve on its board for the next three years at the general assembly on 20 June.

FERMA president Jorge Luzzi and Julia Graham were re-elected following the end of their previous terms. Anders Esbjörnsson and Edwin Meyer also joined the board as new members.

Isabel Martinez—who joined the board in 2012 to fill a vacancy—was also confirmed as a full board member.

Luzzi is managing director of Pirelli Insurance and Reinsurance Company and a member of the Italian association ANRA.

Graham is chief risk officer of the law firm DLA Piper, and a member of Airmic.

Esbjörnsson is a member of the Swedish risk management association SWERMA, risk manager for the construction group NCC and managing director of the company captive, NCC Insurance.

Meyer is general manager of risk and insurance management for ArcelorMittal Group. He is also on the board of the German association DVS.

On behalf of FERMA, Luzzi congratulated the new board members and paid tribute the work of Günter Schlicht who retired from the board, and also contributed greatly during his time as as chief executive of DVS.

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